Friday 28 September 2007

Day 37: I'm online!

Long time no post, sorry! But the reason for not posting last week was my illness. I was ill for an entire week, it was awful, I could eat, and it stayed down, but it worked through me rather quickly. But that's all fine now.

I'll just discuss the main things: Last night, we were invited to some party for foreign students. So we turn up at the scheduled time, and are told by the guy that invited us that in fact, we're not invited. Then he disappears, and tells the one student from our group that was invited to make excuses to us. But then the lady that was organising the whole thing said of course we could go, so we did. It turns out, it was the National Day Reception for Foreign Experts, with awards and all sorts, really really posh. And the dress code was formal. So of course, Nikki and I were in dark jeans and t-shirts. Because we didn't realise what we were going to. But it was fun, and then of course we went for a drink afterwards, which was fun.

Then on Saturday (coming), Frankie (a girl studying in Shanghai) is coming to Urumqi, and on Sunday we're all taking the train to Kashkar, a city in south Urumqi, which should be amazing. We're not sure how long we're staying there, and to be honest, I don't actually know what our plans are, Nikki and Catherine are arranging it and I'm following.

Wow, so long without blogging and I've run out of things to say. Oh well. I'll start updating more regularly now that we have internet in our apartment :D

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