So anyway, a week ago Friday/Saturday (I forget which day exactly) Nikki and I got a text from Eric who said, "We're going to a Mongolian Bar, wanna come?" So we did. And it was BRILLIANT. Easily the best place to go out. There was a nice mix of quiet background music so you could chat, then live Mongolian music, then a random bit where the lights went out, the strobes came on and they placed some really cheesy Europop dance music. Brilliant fun. We ended up staying 'til about 5am, but it was totally worth it, and it was really cheap. Because I drank...wait for it...BEER. Yes, I, Liam, drank beer. Partly because there was no other choice, and partly because it's actually okay. And it was Wusu (乌苏), which was described to me as "probably the worst beer [he'd] ever tasted." But at 10 kuai a bottle, you can't really complain (okay, so it's 2.50 in the shops, but still).
Not much else of note happened really until Wednesday, when it was Nolan's birthday. His do was on Thursday, so I didn't know it was his birthday until we bumped into him at lunch and 戴熙涵 said, "Happy Birthday!" So then on Thursday we went to a restaurant quite near our house and had a big dinner, and I drank 白酒(Baijiu) and beer again. Then we went off to the Mongolian bar, and partied until the wee small hours (read:5am). Nolan had to leave early, as he had been toasting too many people. We also befriended a Mongolian guy called 巴音达拉(Bayindala), and one of the singers who works there whose name completely escapes me right now (this will be relevant in a bit).
So, as Tuesday is Hallowe'en, but that's a bad day for a party, we had a Hallowe'en party last night. Well, our friends upstairs hosted it. Loads of people we knew were there, absolutely none in costume, and Eric and Michele (the hosts) had made paper ghosts, little signs explaining Hallowe'en in Chinese and Uyghur, and loads of snacks and things. We bought the drinks, and we were scared they wouldn't be enough, as we had been told up to 40 people would be there, but it turned out there was plenty to go around, and it was all fun and games. Although one guy and his girlfriend kept fighting (which has apparently been going on for ages, as she might be carrying someone else's baby). Oh, and I was told I look like Prince Charles by a Chinese girl, which I think is probably the most offensive thing anyone has ever said to me.
That kind of takes me up to date I think, so here's some photos from the birthday do on Thursday:
LTR:Me, 巴音耷拉,戴熙涵
LTR:Me, Nolan, Eric
LTR:Catherine, Tobin, Paul
1 comment:
Nolan has a lovely beard.
I miss you! I had another nostalgia moment earler but i now cant remember what caused it at all... when i do i'll get back to you!
lots of love x x x x x x x x x x
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