Monday 20 August 2007

t-1 day: Packing

Packing. One of the least fun things in the world. But it has to be done.

I sat, looking at my suitcase, thinking, "Why is this nowhere near full? SURELY I need more things?" Sod it, I think, I'll weight it. 19.9584kg. I'm allowed 20kg. I still have to put in toothbrush, razor, straighteners and hairbrush. So I might be SLIGHTLY over, but they'll let me off with like, 500g surely. Hurrah

I can't believe I fly tomorrow. I'm swinging rapidly between YAY and CRAP. YAY I'M GOING TO CHINA and OH CRAP I'M LEAVING THE COUNTRY.

I was GOING to stay in the Generator in central London, but thought about it a bit. Fly into Gatwick, pay £15 for the Gatwick Express to Victoria, trek across London with my cases etc. The next morning, leave earlier than I'd like to trek across London, and pay £15 for the Gatwick Express. OR stay in a hotel at the airport. So I'm now doing that. I looked at Travel Inn. Oh, hai, ten millyin pounds per night. So not going there. I miss my Whitbread discount sometimes. Nothing else about working for Pizza Hut (although waiting tables is a job I like, I wouldn't do it there), just the 25% off. Ah well. Must go procrastinate some more.

Today's Fearometer Rating: 2-8 (variable)

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