Thursday 16 August 2007

t-5 days: A suddenly huge to-do list

Remember that to-do list? Well, I was WAY out. My current to-do list looks like this:

  • Dot mobile - I have to write to them to cancel my contract. Quite important, as I won't be using this phone in China.

  • Hotel Chocolat - I'm in the chocolate tasting club, and have to cancel my monthly deliveries of absolutely amazing chocolates (quite heartbreaking, I'm sure you'll agree). DONE

  • Portland Residential - My landlord in Newcastle. I have to send them various bits and bobs (if Talktalk and nPower would get their act together) to get my deposit back (£200, so quite urgent)

  • Topman - I have a storecard (I know, I know, but I wanted the goody bag). Just to let them know I'm leaving the country, and could they not send me things. No, there isn't a balance.

  • Travel money - Yes, more. I need a lot. And I had to buy in installments. So this is the final installment, I have to pick it up from the bank today. (熙涵,你要带多少钱?我带六千五百块)

  • Hostels in China - Booked (as much as possible) and all that, but I need to get directions to them, to save us being ripped off in taxis (yes, we're white, no, we're not rich)

  • Packing - No longer can this be left. I have just weighed the two suitcases I was debating about taking, they both way they say, one has more capacity but is much harder to carry, the other also has more pockets which could be useful for overnight things. Depends on how much junk I want to take. The advantage of the smaller one is it holds less, so I'd be less likely to go over the weight limit for the FlyMachine.

  • Inland Revenue - I'm leaving the country, so will not be earning any more, so would like some tax back. Problem is, I just looked at my most recent payslip, and I haven't actually paid any tax. So I don't need to speak to them.

  • NHS - I read somewhere that if you're leaving the country, you have to un-register with the NHS. But if I can't find anyone to speak to about this, then there's nothing I can do. Sorry, struggling healthcare system.

  • Toiletry shopping - I have all the things I need for China, except toiletries. I'm going to take the bare minimum (people who have seen my toiletries bag before, stop laughing now). One shower gel, one deodorant, one shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, and that's about it. (Obviously, I already have a toothbrush, razor and shaving oil which lasts about ten years).

  • 熙涵's book - She posted me a book, so I must finish reading it and posting it back (Unless you want to take it to China? I doubt the authorities will be too happy, it talks about tee-en-an-men, which is apparently not talked about in China, and a reason for blocking a website from China. I may have just got this blog blocked. Hmm.

  • Starbucks - Having just left my job (woohoo!), I need to sell my shares (you can't say they're bad to the staff, I've got loads of shares), and get a P45. Problem - I'm still listed as working in Newcastle (I was never transferred), and (as of Friday) we couldn't get hold of the manager to transfer me. And my address is still listed as Newcastle. So I can't get my P45. At least I changed my address with the YBS, who deal with my shares for me.

So, panicking slightly now. Some bits will take no time at all, others are more just hassle than anything, but some are very time-sensitive, and there's no way it'll be done (like Portland Residential). I also wanted to get my laptop fixed up and sold, but I doubt there's time for that. Fortunately, Nicki offered to sell it for me, if I send it for repair and put the return address as hers.

Dear Lord. Five days.

Today's Fearometer Rating: 9


S said...

I think there's some rule about how much RMB you can take into China. Something like 5000RMB if my memory serves me correct... Of course, you can take as much as you like really as long as you don't declare it in your customs forms! I've also been told not to declare you have a camera/laptop with you. Hmmm... You also got a Nationwide Visa Debit card? They're the best ones for abroad. Anyways, best of luck! I'm off tomorrow, yikes!x

Liam said...

It's not all in RMB, some is in USD, and I plan on carrying my cash in a very secret place (so it doesn't get stolen). Stupid making us pay 3200RMB on arrival at Uni. Grr. Why not declare the camera/laptop? I had not heard this... My laptop will be my handluggage.

S said...

I have to pay about 15000RMB on arrival! (Newcastle isn't paying my tuition fees) Plus 1500RMB for the first month rent. No idea how I'm going to get so much cash out from a Chinese ATM! Oh well, they'll just have to wait for their cash! Good luck with hiding the cash, sure it'll be fine. Chinese people are generally very trust-worthy.
I heard if you declare your cam/laptop, they'll definitely search them and you may get them confiscated. Something which would kill me! I don't really know what to do though...

Liam said...

Crap. I don't want to smuggle my laptop in. I'd be too scared of getting caught. But I definitely don't want it confiscated. I'd email the embassy, but they're crap at responding with anything even remotely useful.

S said...

Hmm, it's a tricky one isn't it! Surely everyone entering China comes with a camera? Perhaps if it's deemed acceptable for sole use, then they'll just wave you through. We are students after all, and will need computers. I'll ask the nice lady/man on the plane when they give us the forms out. The thing is, it was a chinese friend of mine who told me just to declare nothing, and if caught say "Dui bu qi" over and over!

Liam said...

Okay, so Google tells me you're allowed ONE of personal camera, personal videocamera, personal recording equipment, personal computer. Any more than that, you have to declare. So if you don't take a camera, you're okay. But then, how crap is that? I did find one woman saying she was waved through with her laptop. Zenme ban?

Unknown said...

hehe you did indeed waste moneys texting me! did you say anything exciting??

Don't be scared!!! it'll be amazing and u knows it :) and at least you're not gonna b all alone! I just got an email about my host family, they live one bloc from the school and 4 blocks from the beach. Yay.

Oh and i bet its raining more here. last night there was a full on thunbder storm with turrential rain from 10pm til 4am. I´m sleepy.

miss you muchly x x x x

Liam said...

Alice: Thunderstorm with torrential rain sounds AMAZING. Jealous.

I texted to say I'd seen a headline on one of those "Real Life" pages in a magazine: "My boyfriend's an EMO!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Miss you tooo x

Xi Han said...

That headline makes me chuckle.

Liam said...

Any particular reason, 熙涵? I bought some books for the journey today, but now I must find out if they are banned in China, which I never thought about at the time. Oh dear.

Xi Han said...

Ho hum, ho hum. No reason really. It hardly merits a true life story headline though, surely? What books exactement? My friend in Paris sent me a book "La Chine des Chinois" which actually looks decidedly better than any English attempt at a guidebook. It "ne vous fera decouvrir ni les villes, ni les monuments, ni les oeuvres d'art... juste les hommes et les femmes, ces grands inconnus de vos voyages." Bon and good. So jealous of Alice, by the by.

Liam said...

"Concise Chinese English Dictionary for Lovers," "No, I Don't Want To Join A Bookclub," and "How To Talk To A Widower (I think)." The first one is the one I'm most concerned about. It's about a Chinese girl who moves to London, speaks no English and meets an English guy who speaks no Chinese, and (I'm assuming) fall in love.